- Integral Medicine | Alexander Smithers M.D., A.P.2805 Fruitville Rd.
Sarasota, Fl. 34237
Suite 250941-444-6336 - SATELLITE OFFICE:
Daly Chiropractic
2708 Garden St,
Titusville, Fl. 32796941-444-6336 - Testimonials
I couldn’t be happier with the treatment I received from Dr Smithers. I had been having knee pain for several months, making it difficult to walk for an extended period of time. I finally decided to have Dr Smithers look at it, and he decided to do prolotherapy. After a few treatments, the pain was completely gone. I’m thrilled to have found this clinic! And I highly recommend Dr Smithers!
My husband had severe sciatic pain so bad he was bed ridden. Because our regular Dr. was out of town we went to our chiropractor to try to get some relief. He was not able to get as much relief a he needed so Dr. Daly asked us to see Dr. Smithers – another Dr. in his office.. What a BLESSING!! Dr. Smithers is the best of both worlds Eastern and Western medicine! He suggested something called PROLOZONE therapy... Read more »I became interested in pursuing ozone injections from Dr. Smithers after a friend received the treatmentsand recommended it to me. I just finished my second round of injections in my neck, lower back, hips and both knees. I have experienced lower back/hip pain most of my adult life, endured a knee injury while white river rafting in my 20’s and have had progressively worsening neck pain since a car wreck in my early 30’s. For reference I am 47
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I couldn’t be happier with the treatment I received from Dr Smithers. I had been having knee pain for several months, making it difficult to walk for an extended period of time. I finally decided to have Dr Smithers look at it, and he decided to do prolotherapy. After a few treatments, the pain was completely gone. I’m thrilled to have found this clinic! And I highly recommend Dr Smithers!
Thank you Dr. Alex Smithers! After dealing with lower back pain from an injury 30 years ago, I feel that after several injections, I am pain and worry free and can finally let this go.
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I was back today for a torn knee ligament and the first ozone injection, and am confident this will be healed also.
Alex is unlike others in the medical field. He has a calm professional manner and very patient in listening and explainingIn Oct of 2013 I was diagnosed with stage 4 Cholangiocarcinoma Malignant Neoplasm Cancer of the Bile Ducts of the Liver. In addition I had a tumor on the left lobe of the liver that ruptured and allowed cancer cells to escape and cake on the majority of my abdominal area. The issues, pain and effects are too numerous to mention. After 9 months of Chemo Therapy Treatments I was left with major issues with neuropathy in both my feet
... Read more »Dr Smithers is so acute and atuned to what others miss. I had been suffering with abdominal issues for over 20 years getting no help from traditional medicine. He found and correctly treated the issue. Words cannot describe the quality of life that has been restored to me. He’s very caring and takes the time to listen.
I was told i needed surgery and that i should file for social security disability… I thought my life was over . Thanks to Dr Smithers i didn’t have to do either.. I will be eternally grateful… I’m back at work and looking forward to a bright future..
Dear Dr. Smithers,
I just wanted to thank you for treating my trigeminal neuralgia pain.
In May of 2012 I hit my head on a concrete ledge resulting in severe head trauma with unusual and very painful symptoms that followed—throbbing, knife stabbing, severe tension in and around my head, constant clicking noise, and my soft palate in continual motion. I was first diagnosed with TMJ for which I was given an appliance to align my jaw. Which did not take away the severe pain
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Tag Archives: traditional chinese medicine manatee county
Antiparasitic activity of two Lavandula essential oils against Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis and Hexamita inflata.
Parasitol Res. 2006 Nov;99(6):722-8. Epub 2006 Jun 2.
Two essential oils derived from Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula x intermedia were investigated for any antiparasitic activity against the human protozoal pathogens Giardia duodenalis and Trichomonas vaginalis and the fish pathogen Hexamita inflata: all of which have significant infection and economic impacts. The study has demonstrated that
Cod Liver Oil and Multiple Sclerosis Risk
Published in Neurology and
TAKE-HOME MESSAGE The authors report on data from the Norwegian portion of the multinational questionnaire-based case–control study Environmental Factors in Multiple Sclerosis (EnvIMS) with regard to timing of cod liver oil use in Continue reading
Light Treatment Effective for Nonseasonal Major Depressive Disorder
JAMA Psychiatry
TAKE-HOME MESSAGE Adults with moderate to severe non-seasonal major depressive disorder (MDD) were randomized to receive light monotherapy, antidepressant monotherapy (fluoxetine hydrochloride), combination light and antidepressant, or placebo for 8 weeks. Light monotherapy and combination therapy were both significantly better than placebo for response and remission, but fluoxetine was Continue reading
Exercise Can Reduce Heart Failure Risk at Any Age
Starting to exercise later in life can still reduce risk of heart failure, and even modest increases in activity could provide some protection, researchers say. The study was presented earlier this month at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association, held from Nov. 7 to 11 in Orlando, Fla.
FRIDAY, Nov. 20, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Starting to
Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Risk of Heart Failure
Heart (British Cardiac Society)
TAKE-HOME MESSAGE The authors of this prospective, population-based cohort study assessed the association between consumption of sweetened beverages and risk of heart failure (HF) in men. Over a mean follow-up period of 11.7 years, drinking sweetened beverages was associated with increased risk of HF. Compared with men who did not consume sweetened beverages, men who Continue reading