All of our weight loss programs begin with a consultation with our medical provider. We will overview your current health and your goals for your weight loss journey.
With programs that include Exogenous Ketones, acupuncture, herbal and/or nutritional education- knowing where to start can be challenging.
Our programs are customized to your needs as we learn more about you and how to help you take back control of your life.
Weight-loss can be one of the most consistent health issues a person faces. For some, it seems no matter how well they eat or how much they exercise they can’t seem to reach their goal. Others feel put out by the amount information available and the lack of motivation and support to reach their desired goals. For others, it seems weight-gain is inevitable, because of their family tree. Sound Familiar?
Your story, while shared with others, is unique to you!
YOU are why we created a personalized weight-loss program that fits different needs
Our Functional Medicine weight-loss program has helped people lose the weight, live better and keep the weight off by making lifestyle changes.
If you’re ready for a weight-loss program that goes beyond just the pounds, our root cause practice will give you the tools to regain your confidence and live your best you.
70.7% of Americans over 20 years of age are overweight or obese. Currently, the main strategy for weight loss is caloric restriction. Ketone bodies have been shown to facilitate voluntary caloric restriction through altering the appetite stimulating hormone ghrelin.
Studies show All ketogenic agents induced weight loss and voluntary caloric restriction.
The exogenous ketones we sell are the first exogenous ketone supplement available to the consumer market, that is based on government funded research awarded by the Department of Defense and Office of Naval Research. This is a nutritional supplement that can have a measurable impact on health and wellness.
This proprietary formula contains a specifically engineered ratio of proprietary ketone mineral salts and medium chain triglycerides. This formulation provides a high-energy fuel compound putting someone into a state of Ketosis without incorporating dietary restrictions.
As profound as this statement may be, it can be proven with a simple at-home urine or blood test with just a single serving. So why does this matter and why should you care? Superior to glucose, ketones provide an exceptional foundation to help improve body recomposition (fat loss and muscle preservation) vs. traditional weight loss programs where weight loss can include muscle breakdown.
How do you get your hands on exogenous ketones? We can help you with that. We carry trial packs of a product from Pruvit called Keto//OS. These are simple powder products that you can mix in water and begin your path to a better you. If you are ready to stock up on product, you can visit our website at From there you can simply select “shop” and begin selecting the products you wish to try. Don’t wait, get your ketones and experience better memory, better sleep, better cognition, better performance and so much more.
Exogenous ketone supplements provide a multitude of benefits. These include athletic performance enhancement, more efficient weight loss, cancer prevention, cognitive improvement, anti-inflammatory properties, and even healthier skin.
Ketones are not intended to be a diet supplement. However, one of the common effects of using ketones for fuel in your body versus glucose is a decrease in appetite. On top of the decrease in appetite, many users experience a decrease in appetite for sweet foods and drinks specifically. The other weight loss benefit to burning ketones is that ketones are muscle sparing, meaning your body will look to burn fat before muscle. Most diets cause muscle depletion to achieve weight loss, but this supplement proves to be fat burning and muscle sparing.
When it comes to athletic enhancement, ketones have shown to have a great positive impact on performance as well as recovery. Exogenous ketone supplementation can enhance athletic performance in a variety of ways. Firstly, ingested ketone bodies induce an acute ketosis that lasts for several hours. Secondly, exogenous ketones present a way to elevate ketone levels without having depleted muscle glycogen stores. Low muscle glycogen is well known to impair sustained physical performance. Improved cognition is also achieved through elevated plasma ketone concentrations that divert the brain to utilize ketone bodies for synthesis of phospholipids, which drives growth and myelination. Glucose would typically be the preferred substrate, but is much less efficient than ketones.
So why would you want to use exogenous ketones if you are not an athlete? In short, for health and longevity. The health benefits with the use of exogenous ketones are well documented. Studies suggest that exogenous ketones are an effective anti-carcinogen. The reason behind this is that cancer cells are unable to use ketone bodies effectively, unlike most healthy tissues in the body. In fact, dietary ketone supplementation has been shown to increase survival rates of mice with systematic cancer by as much as 70%.
An increasing number of data demonstrate the utility of ketogenic diets in a variety of metabolic diseases as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. In regard to neurological disorders, ketogenic diet is recognized as an effective treatment for pharmacoresistant epilepsy but emerging data suggests that ketogenic diet could be also useful in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s disease, and some mitochondriopathies. Although these diseases have different pathogenesis and features, there are some common mechanisms that could explain the effects of ketogenic diets. These mechanisms are to provide an efficient source of energy for the treatment of certain types of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by focal brain hypometabolism; to decrease the oxidative damage associated with various kinds of metabolic stress; to increase the mitochondrial biogenesis pathways; and to take advantage of the capacity of ketones to bypass the defect in complex I activity implicated in some neurological diseases.
How do you get your hands on exogenous ketones? We can help you with that. We carry trial packs of a product from Pruvit called Keto//OS. These are simple powder products that you can mix in water and begin your path to a better you. If you are ready to stock up on product, you can visit our website at From there you can simply select “shop” and begin selecting the products you wish to try. Don’t wait, get your ketones and experience better memory, better sleep, better cognition, better performance and so much more.